Mr. Carlos Lossi » Welcome to My Class

Welcome to My Class

Dear Parents,
I am delighted to be your child's first grade teacher. I am looking forward to have an exciting, fun,and a successful year.
Let me tell you a little bit about me. I have taught for 20 years. I have taught Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, and Fourth Grades. I have taught Fifth Grade for short term assignments only. I am married and have three children. I attended University of La Verne and California State University of Northridge. I also took some classes at UCLA. I Enjoy teaching, I like to motivate my students, and I have high expectations of all of them.

If you need to get in touch with me please email me (click on Send email) or leave a message in the school's office, telephone 818-920-6378.


Estimados Padres de familia,

Estoy muy contento de ser el maestro de su hijo/a. Espero tener un año lleno de alegria y de exito en la education de su niño/a. Permitame informarle algo de mi. He enseñado por 21 años. He enseñado Kindergarten, primero, segundo, tercero, y cuarto grado. Soy casado y padre de 3 niño/as. Estudie en University of Laverne, California State University of Northridge, y tome algunas clases en UCLA. Me encanta enseñar y motivar a mis estudiantes, y tengo altas expectativas de cada uno de ellos.

Si necesita comunicarse conmigo llame al telefono de la escuela 818-920-6378, o por email. Solo haga click en Send email


I will be available to converse with parents and students during my office hours below. You can contact me via email. You can always leave a message and I will get into contact as quickly as I can.

Our office hours will be by appointment Tuesdays thru Friday, 1:20-2:15.

How to use schoology


Go to then click on Student QR Code (Scan QR Code), the computer will say "app.schoology wants to use your camera," and click "allow." Show the QR Code to the camera and it will log you in. Next, click on Courses, then click on GRADE 1 TERM 1TA- PERIOD 1. On that page you will find the link to our Zoom meetings and other activities.

Thank you.

Mr. Lossi